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 8 Questions You Must Ask a Wedding Professional Before Booking Them




     1.  How many weddings do you do per year?  How much experience to you have?  This is far more important than you would think.  Ideally, your wedding professional should have ample experience specifically with weddings.  Not only will they be more skilled in their craft, this also makes them a valuable source of information and ensures that your wedding day goes smoothly.

     2.  How much do you cost?  There are good reasons for price differences, and some of those reasons include experience, reputation and expert skill.  Generally, the most talented professionals have a higher price tag because they are worth it.   You can't pay for a Fiat and expect to get a BMW.

     3.  What specifically is included in that cost?  Because packages often vary, it's likely that you won't be able to compare one vendor exactly to the next without doing a little figuring.  The lowest cost isn't necessarily the best deal; some higher quotes include services that you may have to pay extra for in other packages.  Make a chart and fill in the details--you'll probably be very surprised!

    4.  How much is the deposit?

     5.  What happens if I cancel?  What happens if you cancel?  Is your deposit refundable?  Does the wedding professional have a back up plan if something happens to them?

     6.  Do you use a contract?  If the answer is No, RUN!   A contract protects both of you.  Don't settle for a verbal agreement that won't hold up in court.

     7.  Are there any additional fees?  Taxes, service charges and travel fees can add up quickly.  These should all be clearly defined in your contract. 

   8.  Do you carry liability insurance?   The answer you're looking for here is Yes.  You need to be protected on your wedding day.  Any reputable business will carry business insurance. 



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